58-year-old, Debbie LaCaria was last seen walking into her home in late February 2017, after using a neighbor’s phone to contact her family. At the time of her disappearance, she was living at a residence on Highway 3193 (Wolverine Road), in Jackson, Kentucky.
According to an article on WYMT, a couple of unnamed people actually pulled into the driveway of Debbie’s home and accompanied her into the house.
A few days later (exact dates unknown) a severe storm hit the area. Debbie’s daughter decided to drive to her mother’s house to check on her since she didn’t have a phone. After several knocks on the door, there came no answer and concern grew. None of the neighbors could remember seeing Debbie in the last few days.
Reminiscing over the days prior to Debbie’s disappearance, she seemed distant and fearful to the point that she didn’t want to leave her house.
What or who, could she have been afraid of?
The LaCaria’s were originally from Chicago, Illinois, but none of her family have heard from her since late February. This is another one where there’s really not much to go on. It’s hard to form any opinions about what could have possibly happened to Debbie… There’s no information regarding the activity of her bank account or social security number, and she didn’t have a cellphone to track. There is a river along the road she was living on, but I’m not sure of her address so I can’t say how close she actually lived to it. There’s also no indication of any type of mental illness…
This one comes down to people actually coming forward and speaking up about something, anything that they may have seen or heard on the day she was last seen and the days immediately after.
Rumors began circulating in late 2021 about a body that was supposedly wrapped in a rug and at the bottom of a well in the Wolverine community of Jackson, Ky. It concerned emergency personnel enough that they responded to the location. However, authorities have remained silent about what, if anything was discovered.
If you have any information about the whereabouts of Debbie LaCaria, please contact the Kentucky State Police at 606-435-6069.

WYMT 10/2017
WYMT 04/2019
WYMT 01/2021
Jackson-Breathitt Co Times Voice
04/12/2021 – Added link to WYMT news article. No new information.
03/06/2022 – Updated with information from Jackson-Breathitt Co Times