I’ve looked at numerous articles regarding Shelly’s disappearance, at least those that don’t take you straight to a big 404 Page Not Found, and they all say the same thing:
On March 21, 2011, 42-year old Shelly Kay Schoffner was last seen by her boyfriend, Jeff Green, driving along I-75 South entering Kentucky from Ohio as she was following behind his vehicle in a blue Nissan 4×4 pickup. (No model or year was ever specified on any of the news sites as well as NamUs.)
She supposedly sent him a text sometime later, (the actual timeframe of his story hasn’t been explained in the slightest) saying that she didn’t love him anymore and was leaving him. He then went on to tell police that she could be with a man named Ralphie, or possibly a man named Vern.
(WKYT 4/7/2011) (Richmond Register 4/7/2011 and 4/8/2011)
Shelly was originally from Delphos, Oh which is around a 4-hour drive to where she had been staying in the Big Hill Road area of Berea, Ky. This was the residence Jeff Green shared with his son. According to an ‘archived’ article I found on Crimewatchers.net, Jeff gives quite a different story…
This article apparently was a direct interview with Jeff, who claims everyone is trying to make him look like the bad guy. He says that the last time he saw Shelly was on March 19th at their residence. She was in the driveway speaking to the elusive Vern. Jeff said he assumed that’s who she left with, and went on to include a description of the car as being “a little black car with a white stripe.”
Shelly had supposedly met Vern through Jeff Green’s daughter. He was even able to track this Vern down at a gas station a while after Shelly vanished and have a conversation with him. Of course, leading to nothing. I want to also add here that according to Jeff, he doesn’t know Vern’s last name, but he does know where he lives…
Shelly’s son received a text from his mother on March 19th, she told him that she’d found a ride and was on her way back to Ohio. He’d actually dropped her off in Kentucky on March 14th so that she could visit with Jeff Green.
What I can’t understand is why there are two completely different stories that Green is relaying here… The truth normally stays the same no matter how many times you tell it. He claimed that the Kentucky State Police made up the entire story.
Everything about this case seems convoluted to me. KSP Detective Joie Peters says that Green has stopped cooperating with LE. Green says that’s not true. Honestly, I don’t know what to think, but I just can’t see the KSP making up his entire statement…
So, what happened to Shelly? Does Jeff know more than he’s letting on? I don’t know what it is, but something about his interview on Crimewatchers throws me off. It doesn’t sound right. He seems much more defensive than someone who has nothing to hide. Did he even turn over the supposed information he has about ‘Vern’ to LE? He didn’t mention that in the interview.
Could this Vern fellow really exist? Maybe he was the person she was supposedly getting a ride back to Ohio with. I just don’t understand why there hasn’t been more information about this person released if Jeff Green actually has all the information that he claims to.
Or could she have gotten into the vehicle with someone completely different and met with foul play? Regardless of the scenario, I don’t think she ran off with another man who had ‘money’, and I do think that if she were alive, she would have made contact with her children. There have not been any further news releases concerning the current state of the case. I have emailed the Lead Detective but haven’t gotten a response yet. Since March 19, 2011, her cellphone and her bank account have gone dormant.
If you have any information, please contact the Delphos Police Department at 419-692-4015 or the Kentucky State Police at 859-623-2404.

04/12/2021 – no updates available.
03/06/2022 – no updates available.