“No never, never ever. Her aunt Norma Jean went to her grave this summer wondering about this child and I told her, I promised her …

Missing. Murdered. Unidentified. Not Forgotten.
“No never, never ever. Her aunt Norma Jean went to her grave this summer wondering about this child and I told her, I promised her …
It was August 3, 1978, and the Russell County Jaycees Fair was alive with excitement. The fair was one of the highlights of the year …
On February 8, 1983, Eddie Barker saw his mother Dixie Barker, before he reported in for work that morning. They had been sharing the same …
Post by my dear friend Crimeblogger1983: “We just want to give our mother a proper burial and to really know that she’s at peace,” said …
“I’d love to know what happened to him, but I don’t think we’ll ever know.” On July 3, 1990, at approximately 10:25 AM Ruvil Hale …
“You can only be so strong for so long,” said Jennifer Coffey, Gorley’s sister. “I just want to be able to visit his grave and …